CBWA Q&A: Industry experts pick their favourite ads for this Friday’s PADC Awards and share insights on Perth’s creative landscape

The sold-out 2024 PADC Awards is taking place on tomorrow night. To build a bit of excitement and discussion around the winners, CBWA polled Perth creatives and a handful of production and strategic thinkers searching for the best work. We posed two questions:
The questions
1: What ads/campaigns are your favourites to do well at the PADCs?
2: For an overall impression – Do you think it has been a good year creatively for the Perth industry? And has it been a good year creatively for your agency/company.
Rikki Burns, Head of Creative at Marketforce:
1) Gatecrasher’s People Like You film and kwpx&partners’ Cop Enough film deserve a shoutout, but I’d like to use my space to highlight a few less traditional pieces doing good things in the world.
Anthologie’s Global Slavery Index digital platform for Walk Free is a huge undertaking and truly world-class work. The Support Project from Block Branding is a beautiful and unexpected response to a tough brief – a prime example of ‘show, don’t tell’. While I’m there, Block’s PICA rebrand is a lovely piece of design based on the past but built for the future.
2) Sure it’s been a tough year, but there have certainly been some brilliant moments shining through. For WA, excellent design work continues to impress.
For Marketforce, it’s not every day you get to hack the Belltower or create a new tagline for a beloved footy team. For me, I’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the best and most talented people I know.
Lachy Banton, Senior Copywriter at The Brand Agency:
1) I’d say I’m probably not alone in saying that ‘Cop Enough’ by kwpx&partners Perth is just an absolute cracker and will (and rightly should) clean up. The simplicity of it and the in-camera slaps done in a single take just create a visceral spot that’s impossible to ignore.
Another tip of the hat goes to Wildlings with ‘Animal Defenders’ print campaign and Berlin’s ‘High Fryer’ installation at Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens – both simple, interesting and thought-provoking.
2) When I look at the commercial creativity landscape, I think every year is full of potential, and this year is no exception for Perth’s industry. Is it just my inherent optimism about the kind of creative work that Perth can produce? Maybe. However, the real question might be whether we’re seeing the full extent of the creative brilliance tucked away in agencies around Perth.
There’s no doubt that teams have put forward some really lovely work that continues to elevate the standards, but I’m also willing to bet there are dozens of top shelf concept decks sitting in the archives that didn’t make it to market. And perhaps the ratio of in-market vs. in-archive is creeping a little out of balance.
Sure, constraints like tighter budgets or a cautious market can add some hurdles, but I think Perth’s creative industry has found some novel ways to adapt within these realities. There’s always a delicate balance between client goals and creative ambition, but I think it’s worth acknowledging that it takes a strong symbiotic relationship between client and agency to bring quality creative into the light where we can all see and marvel at it.
Finally, for The Brand Agency, I continue to be envious of the work produced for Foodbank. The Hunger Ghrelins is an excellent example of the level of care and craft at every level of the agency. But as a writer, I adored the insight brought to life in Foodbank’s WA Business News press ad, Word Tacos.

Liz Hammond, Creative Director at Rare:
1) I’m hoping that some crisply executed, substantive creative gets the nod this year, with the shine starting to come off the cause marketing false idol. My favourite in print is VML’s “Echoes of Van Gogh” poster for WA Ballet. It’s been a few years since we’ve seen such a well crafted and elegant visual collision, stirring nostalgic memories of 2000s award annuals.
TVCs this year were largely “good solutions” without being all that inspiring or surprising. One that tips over into “great solution” for me is “We Cop Enough” for the Police Union from KWPX & Partners. The clarity of the insight and simplicity of the execution leave you nowhere to hide from the very visceral impact of the message. I’m looking forward to seeing what other hidden gems this year’s awards will inevitably unearth.
2) On the whole, I’m hearing from several corners that we’re starting to crawl our way out of the post-covid creativity desert with signs that clients and agencies alike are once again beginning to value brave ideas (and remember what they felt like). But this year is unlikely to be a goldrush.
Rare has had another 12 months of really solid, highly effective work for our clients with some very disappointing circumstances pulling a couple of creative gems out from under us – but that’s agency life! Our design team continues to produce stunning visual brands and we’ve got some great integrated work for DFES in the mix. Best of luck to all.
Dav Tabeshfar, Executive Creative Director at kwpx&partners:
1) By 10pm on Friday night, we’re all going to be bored of The Hunger Ghrelins. I reckon it’ll dominate integrated and a bunch of craft categories (except for the ones we’re in). I just hope The Brand Agency are seated near the front.
Moonsail will also be making a few walks up to the front for their beautiful work on Transperth. Their Mind the Gap posters are both gorgeous and unsettling. And how refreshing for a big Perth client to allow posters to do their work unencumbered by clunky brand mandatories everywhere. So clean, so beautiful.
2) PADCs contenders aside, it’s been a very interesting year for Perth. I believe something generational is happening that will play out over the next few years and turn our little industry on its head. Progressive thinkers in our client community are realising that establishment agencies do not have the monopoly on creativity and excellence. 10 years ago, three or four big agencies would have taken home 90% of the awards. I’m pretty confident that won’t be the shape of things this year.
Clients are trusting emancipated creative spirits at places like at Berlin, Moonsail, Hypnosis, Likeable, Anthologie, Nani, Wildlings, Block Branding, AT Creative, Kiosk, Chapter and of course kwpx&partners. Some of these independents are attracting the best people in town, which will undoubtably accelerate change.
From a kwpx&partners perspective, it’s been a wild 12 months. We became part of the kwpx family, and we’ve done some of our best work. The ‘We Cop Enough’ campaign for the Police Union was a highlight, as was the gorgeously crafted Jack Stillman work. Chicken Treat continues to feed us on fun, and we’re rolling out some beautiful work for The Kids Research Institute Australia and Tourism Northern Territory, so bring on 2025.

Paula Keamy, Creative Lead & Senior Copywriter at VML:
I’m anxious. Anxious about Trump. Anxious about women in our industry. Anxious even writing this. And now another little anxious voice is starting to join the choir. I’ve got last minute nerves about the PADC Awards Friday night. Because you pretend you don’t care about winning, but of course your Lisa Simpson inside wants to.
1) I thought the real stand out for the year was WA Police Union ‘Cop Enough’. I admire all the other most simple stuff too. So also for campaign and film Lotterywest ‘Powerballin’’ and WA Police Force’s ‘Looking for people like you’ – if I’ve got their live dates right? Plus heaps of press and OOH faves too. FoodBank WA, Jack Stillman, Transperth ‘Mind the gap’ and RAW Hire. And for OOH/ambient Lightning Minds ‘Keeping Barnaby Upright’, radio Stonefruit WA ‘Action’, and for digital Walk Free ‘Global Slavery Index’. I’m no design pro, but I also noticed and admired the work for Perth Design Week 2024 and the PADC’s own ‘Wonderment’.
2) We’ve been busy too. We’ve done great effective work for all our big clients, as well as Luma, Luma’s HER Board, Anglicare WA and West Australian Ballet. And in between, quietly worked on national and international campaigns like Nestlé KitKat Snap Decisions, and Hellman’s Mayo on the Outside (of Toast).
It’s a rough industry sometimes, but 30 years on I still love the work. So at the PADC Awards Friday night, I hope you win, we win, and everyone celebrates a good year and women in particular are celebrated. See you there. Feeling slightly anxious.
Matt Wilson, Creative Partner at Wildlings:
1) My top pick for the PADC Awards is the “Cop Enough” TVC for the WA Police Union by Matt Pitcher & Partners. Gavin Cowie delivers a stellar performance that truly packs an emotional punch. It’s a simple idea executed brilliantly. I’m sure it will get a mention on Friday night.
2) For Wildlings, we’ve submitted a strong slate of entries this year, including campaigns for the City of Perth, Curtin University, Brightwater At Home, Bailey’s Lawn Care, Clothing Please, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation, the ‘Yes’ campaign for the Voice, Raw Hire, Plico, and Pentanet.
We’ve also entered the new Brand Strategy category, which is a great addition from the PADC committee.
Kate Downie, Executive Producer at Beautiful Pictures:
1) If the Oasis Awards / Moonsail TVC is entered then that would be a powerful piece to win some awards.
2) I feel like it’s been a good year for us in Perth creatively so it will hopefully be a nice refreshing night of awards and fun!
Beautiful Pictures has produced some nice pieces of work we feel this year that we are proud of (see next year’s awards entries!)
Luke Williams, Associate Creative Director at Marketforce:
1) I had to slap myself in the face when I saw ‘Cop Enough’ from kwpx&partners Perth. Whenever I see an idea like this, I can’t help but imagine the first time the idea was presented to client – and I would have LOVED to be in that room. Bryan, Dav and the whole team should be incredibly proud of the work they’ve done. I’m aware this isn’t a hot take, but it is incredibly hot work.
Speaking of cops, ‘People Like You’ from Gatecrasher was a breath of fresh air and gave me renewed faith when I saw it first – the craft was awesome and took what is a convincing idea and put sirens and lights on it. Awesome campaign from the team.
2) I think this has been a building year for Perth (and probably everywhere) – a lot of teams grappling with where they sit in a new era of technology influencing creativity and how work gets made. Let’s hope that technology opens up more time for concepting and coming up with ideas, and less time drawing scamps. From a Marketforce perspective, we’ve gone from Paris to Parking Meters and everything in between – and we can’t wait to see where 2025 takes us.
Cait Totten, Agency Partner at Wildlings:
1) One standout for me this year was the Lamborghini Immersive Dinner by Freo Creative, which also picked up an AGDA finalist. It’s a fantastic example of the Live/Experiential category, showcasing impressive motion design, 3D modelling, and projection mapping.
I hope it was entered into this year’s awards – it’s the kind of work that deserves recognition.
2) At Wildlings, we’re thrilled to have entries across 12 different categories – 4 more than last year. A big thanks to our clients and brands for partnering with us in the pursuit of great creative work this year.
Katie Trew, Executive Producer at Clockwork:
1) I would expect “Cop Enough” by the good folk at kwpx&partners to clean up this year. A brilliant idea executed perfectly. It made waves internationally this year and rightly so.
Ironically, the Police WA campaign from “People like You” by Gatecrasher is also an absolute winner and should do well. Gatecrasher have had a fantastic year.
2) I think 2024 saw a slow start for a lot of us in production, with the back of the year really ramping up. The industry feels energised. It’s been really exciting to see the outstanding creativity coming out of the Indi agencies like Moonsail, Wildlings, Hypnosis and Chapter.

Cop Enough, HER Board, Van Gogh, Snap Decisions. The Support Project, ESME, Binge Bells, Global Slavery Index, Mind the Gap.
Can we just take a moment to recognise how many outstanding ideas (and, importantly, executions) we’re talking about in a single year, in the most isolated city in the world?
Whatever the agency chaos of the last few years has shaken out into, it’s bloody impressive. I’m proud to point to literally any of the above when people ask, “What’s Perth up to lately?”
Here, here Josh. Such a strong year/era for Perth advertising. Absolutely slaying.
Thank you to those who have said nice things about ‘People Like You’. Unfortunately though, it was aired too late for this year’s entry.