“Enjoy your night” – Moonsail provides a reality check on the industry’s night of nights


The Oasis Ball had a problem. When people thought of the night, they thought of glitz, awards and drinks with industry mates.


But the Ball’s namesake – Oasis House – was an afterthought, if it garnered a mention at all. A Salvation Army project, Oasis House is a sanctuary for displaced youth escaping traumatic housing conditions and various at-risk situations at home. The Oasis Ball raises much needed funds for this critical service to help kids stay off the street.

So, with a disparity between the occasion and its cause, the Oasis committee enlisted the help of Moonsail to help remind the industry what and who the Ball was really for. Donating considerable time and over $30,000 in resources to the challenge, Moonsail (along with their newly formed production arm, Sundeck) devised a short film that would play during the ball itself. The aim was to drive home the key message in a way that put a mirror up to the audience, and help them realise the stark contrast between the glam of the night, and the reality on the streets.

Helmed by Perth director Kori Reay-Mackey and written/produced by new Moonsail addition Joe Wilkie, the film leans into a gritty, realistic style that was inspired by real people and events.

“Every directorial decision was made to authentically portray this young person’s experience and how easily they can become invisible to us. The messaging felt vital,” added Reay-Mackey.

“Enjoy your night” – Moonsail provides a reality check on the industry’s night of nights

“Not only did we see an opportunity to help a very worthy cause and expose the stark reality many teens face on a daily basis,” says Matt Nankivell, Co-Founder and Creative Director of Moonsail & Sundeck. “But also saw it as a platform for showcasing local film talent in front of the entire industry. It was a pleasure working with Kori and the dedicated crew that went above and beyond to bring this to life with us. We hope it contributed to fundraising efforts on the night and encouraged people to reach into their pockets in support of the core reason we were all there.”

Michelle Testa, Carat Client Partner and Oasis Chairperson, says: “It was over a Teams call that Paul and I got chatting about our mission to put the purpose – the Oasis House – back at the core of the event. Without further consideration, the Moonsail team swiftly scripted and presented within a week, what became the video we watched on the night. If there was a moment on the night, when that rowdy crowd fell to a deafening silence, it was that first scene of the video. I’ve been overwhelmed with feedback from the industry that they are now acutely aware of our mission and our cause – thanks to the emotions ‘Enjoy your Night’ was able to draw on.”

If this struck a chord Moonsail encourages you to dig deep and buy a bottle of Spirit of Oasis gin here. A collab between Spirit of Little Things and the Oasis Ball committee, to continue to drive funds to disadvantaged youth.

Client: Salvation Army / Oasis House / Oasis Ball Committee
Agency: Moonsail
Creative Directors: Matt Nankivell, Paul Coghlan
Senior Art Director: Paul Michael Liam Donnelly
Copywriter: Joe Wilkie
Account Manager: Evelyn Dalton
Production Company: Sundeck
Director: Kori Reay-Mackey
Producer: Joe Wilkie
DOP: Elliott Nieves
1st AC: David Atwell
2nd AC: Martin Phan
Gaffer: Michael Titter
Best Boy: Ben Laguille
B Camera/Lighting Asst: Alex Gibbs
PA: Mark Wong, Jess Tilbury.
Production Designer: Brittney Tammisto
Art Dep Asst: Jordi Nieves
Editor: Katherine Carey
Sound Design: Justin Braine
Colour: Elliott Nieves
Cast: Shannon Brown (Via Filmbites), Kye Cassam