Creative Circle: Andrew Tinning + Tom Wilson

Campaign Brief asks two creative thinkers from the Perth industry to highlight recent great work that caught their eye from both our local WA industry and internationally. Creative Circle contributors this week are Andrew Tinning (above left) and Tom Wilson (right).
Andrew Tinning
AT Creative
WA: After weeks of relentless wind blowing my chances of an end of holiday fishing trip, I couldn’t help but single out the new Cyclone Season campaign by Rhythm Content.
Once again, the production values they manage to achieve on a budget are great.
And Be the Calm Before the Storm is a lovely insight and a great line that leads to an entertaining and informative execution that doesn’t rely on scare tactics.
Now speaking of lines, I’m sure if I remain calm, there will be a decent Dhuey on the end of mine before the sun sets on summer.

Non-WA: As part of the whopping $8.5 billion spent on advertising during the 2020 US election cycle, the Lincoln Project created some real thought-provoking gems, including Mourning In America, a brilliantly sobering twist on the classic Ronald Regan Morning in America campaign from 1984.
And now, as Trump’s toxic ass is finally kicked out of the White House, they’ve managed to put the boot into it one last time with this brilliantly fitting send off – ‘Moving Day’, which gets my vote for best of the rest.

Tom Wilson
Creative Director
Kiosk Creative
WA: This was an easy one. The Alcohol. Think Again TVC for Alcohol and Pregnancy (303MullenLowe) is an incredibly simple idea with a powerful visual that immediately grabbed my attention. I think, and hope, it will have the same effect on women who are pregnant or are planning a pregnancy.
Well done to Rich and the two Steves, and also to Andrew Buckley and the team at Siamese, for making what I’m sure was an incredibly difficult VFX job, look so simple and captivating.

Non-WA: I was a little late to this one. I can only think it was because some other event was taking over my feed last February. Burger King showing a decomposing Whopper bursting with mould to show the beauty of preservative free burgers is unbelievably brave. I love the way it goes into disgustingly detailed close-ups.
It got all the sharing and press coverage it deserved, and is a brilliant continuation of other counter intuitive campaigns like McWhopper, Whopper Sacrifice and Whopper Freakout. Even the names are great.