Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin

Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin

Campaign Brief asks two creative thinkers from the Perth industry to highlight recent great work that caught their eye from both our local WA industry and internationally. Creative Circle contributors this week are Damian Royce (above left) and Neil Martin (right).


Damian Royce
303 MullenLowe
Chief Creative Officer
WA: Public Transport Authority – Mind the Gap by Moonsail

In a world where people often overlook familiar messages, this latest ‘Mind the Gap’ campaign for PTA creates fresh impact. Using highly engaging illustrations, it prompts both parents and children to use their imagination around the consequences if they don’t watch their step. The client and agency have shown great restraint with this campaign by not cramming in too many messages, and therefore, the key message gets through.

Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin

International: Apple iPhone – The Invincibles

I love dogs. And I love this campaign. This initiative from Apple is a great example of how creativity can solve real problems while building brand affinity at the same time. The integrated campaign features ‘The Invincibles’, a friendly bunch of photogenic pups (Trip, Pink, Eve, Poky, Cleo, Samson and Summer) who are all missing one or more of their limbs. Using the TrueDepth and LiDAR cameras on iPhone 14 Pro, a 3D scan of each pup is used to create bespoke prosthetics to get them all back on their paws. It’s a feel-good story that’s engaging, charming and memorable.

Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin


Neil Martin
Head of Art
WA: Country Football WA by 303 MullenLowe.

This heartwarming piece is a testament to the power of simplicity and effective storytelling. The script and choice of voiceover truly capture that ‘country community’ feel. I also find the alternate black swan logo, bearing the shape of our state, quite tasteful.

Kudos to the talented Jake Ransom and Lachy Banton for their craftsmanship, and a big shoutout to the production teams.

International: MacDonald’s Essential Pit Stop by Cossette.

I absolutely love it when ad campaigns continually evolve, especially when it feels like they couldn’t possibly top their previous efforts. Cossette has done just that with their “Essential Pit Stop” campaign for Macca’s, building on the success of ‘Follow the Arches.’

This time the famous golden arches insert a Macca’s pit stop into any (and every) journey. The idea offers an abundance of opportunities to craft short, playful three-word stories adaptable to different audiences. Epic!

VIEW THE VIDEO (Best viewed in Firefox and Safari)

Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin Creative Circle: Damian Royce + Neil Martin