Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event

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Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event

Val Morgan Group recently held their annual Val Fronts event; treating Agency Partners and Clients to a 3-course long table luncheon at Low Kee restaurant, Elizabeth Quay.


Hosted by Michelle Hawkins, with Managing Directors Guy Burbidge (Val Morgan Cinema), Paul Butler (VMO) & Brian Florido (Val Morgan Digital) in town to showcase the Group’s business developments and market updates.

Cinema teased headliners from their new White Paper, “Brand Famous”, while VMO demonstrated their impressive market expansion and innovations. VM Digital made their debut media presentation in Perth, showing robust capabilities to deliver Youth audiences at scale.

The 180 Degree view of the dramatic weather rolling in across the waterfront proved a fitting accompaniment to the engaging content showcase on-screen, with the Q&A sessions buzzing with interest.

Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event Val Morgan host clients and agency partners at their annual Val Fronts event