The Brand Agency launches nom!, a tasty new educational brand for Foodbank WA

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nom! is Foodbank WA’s new nutrition education program. It has been designed to equip people with the nutritional knowledge and skills to prepare healthy meals for themselves and their families with the belief that anyone, not just fine-dining chefs, can create wholesome food and great dishes.


Foodbank has run nutrition and education programs for over 16 years. These have been Government funded and limited in eligibility based on this funding.

nom! brings all these programs under one consistent brand and opens the initiative to a wider variety of organisations in hosting a program for their own clients and staff, or to individuals to book directly. The range of classes aim to nourish the minds of those who participate through a variety of fun and engaging activities and hands-on cooking experiences.

The Brand Agency was engaged by Foodbank WA to name and brand the program to sit alongside Foodbank’s existing brand.

Brand Agency Designer Elly Litton, said: “We wanted the identity to match the energy from the classes and get people of all ages and abilities excited about learning to cook healthy meals. To make the idea of nutrition more engaging and fun for the audience, we used a distinctive illustration style to promote the benefits and joy of cooking, it’s where healthy food comes alive.”

In addition, a new website was created to showcase the wide range of programs available and allows people to book a course or host a session, while giving access to recipes and nutritional information. Foodbank is able to manage all content through a user-friendly interface developed on WordPress, as well as being able to manage events, ticket allocation, participant numbers and pricing.

The Brand Agency launches nom!, a tasty new educational brand for Foodbank WA

The program aims to deliver a range of critical outcomes – helping to prevent food insecurity, reducing obesity and diabetes, and improving long-term health outcomes by ensuring parents pass on this knowledge to their children.

Kate O’Hara, Foodbank WA CEO, said: “We wanted a brand that showcases the fun, engagement and the importance of delicious foods. nom! delivers this and more. The Brand Agency were able to capture the essence of our programs in a fun and creative brand.”

Places are now available to book for one of the many nom! classes or to try hosting a session for your workplace or community. For more on donating to help keep these vital programs running for those who can’t afford them, visit

Foodbank WA
Kate O’Hara, CEO
Moira Aynsley, Senior Manager, Brand
Jenny Tartaglia, Manager Nutrition Education Team
Nic Hingston, Digital Engagement Specialist
Kath Robinson, Brand and Design Specialist
The Brand Agency
Dan Agostino, Head of Design
Elly Litton, Lead Designer
Dave Wilson, Senior Copywriter
Kat Clayton, Account Manager/Production Manager
Paul Hamilton, Head of Technology
Pete Boston, Technical Project Manager
Joseph Damiano, UI Designer
George Cooke, Digital Designer
Pete Farrell, Front End Developer
Ross Whisson, Back End Developer
Emma Bishop, Media Technologist

The Brand Agency launches nom!, a tasty new educational brand for Foodbank WA The Brand Agency launches nom!, a tasty new educational brand for Foodbank WA The Brand Agency launches nom!, a tasty new educational brand for Foodbank WA The Brand Agency launches nom!, a tasty new educational brand for Foodbank WA