Rhythm releases national ‘Strong Born’ campaign for NACCHO

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Rhythm releases national ‘Strong Born’ campaign for NACCHO

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) has collaborated with Rhythm for another national campaign, this time targeting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.


Strong Born is a campaign designed to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding, among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in rural and remote communities.

NACCHO, supported by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), launched the Strong Born campaign on 22 February 2023 across digital, print and OOH.

Rhythm releases national ‘Strong Born’ campaign for NACCHO

NACCHO CEO Pat Turner, said: “Growing strong healthy mums and bubs leads to healthy communities. Our communities need to understand the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, and where to go for support, so they can ask for help if they need it.”

Acutely aware of the misconceptions and stigma around FASD, Rhythm took a strength-based and culturally relevant approach to the development of the campaign. Working closely with NACCHO, Rhythm consulted with a national advisory group and clinical and cultural experts to create the Strong Born concept. Photographing Yawuru families in Rubibi (Broome) helped bring the idea to life.

“This campaign encourages all people in community to play a role in supporting alcohol free pregnancies to grow a strong, healthy next generation. Strong Born creates opportunities to have culturally safe conversations, reducing stigma and shame,” says Laura Morano, Rhythm’s Senior Account Director.

Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health, Senator Malarndirri McCarthy, said: “All kids deserve the best start to life and the Strong Born campaign is an important campaign to keep raising awareness and taking the shame out of talking about these complex issues.”

The campaign includes posters, social media assets, illustrated information booklets, toolkits for community-controlled health clinics and a campaign launch video.

Client: National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
Senior Account Director: Laura Morano
Creative Director / Art Director: Stef Langton
Senior Creative / Copywriter: Gordon Haynes
Designer / Illustrator: Enzo Delyfer
Production: Rhythm Films
Executive Producer: Candice Shields
Producer: Joe Wilkie
Editor: Gemma Rule
Photographer: Mauro Palmieri

Rhythm releases national ‘Strong Born’ campaign for NACCHO