Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia

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Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia

Media Stable conducted its #MeetTheMedia here in Perth last Thursday with support from the Australian Institute of Management WA.


The Founder and Managing Director of Media Stable, Nic Hayes, described the media in attendance as “maybe the best line-up we have ever had on stage and in the workshops.”

“The nine media in attendance was broad, diverse, and certainly had something for everyone. Every year we do this I take away something new from the media when you hear from their mouths what the media cycle looks like and what they are looking for in a story,” he added.

The 75 attendees got to hear from commercial and non-commercial media, Directors of News, Chiefs of Staff, Executive Producers, Presenters, Deputy and Managing Editors, reporters. The advice and the direction given by these leaders of their fields was very well received by businesses that included listed companies, government, not-for-profit, big business, right through to sole traders.

The message this year was simple and it was start building and strengthening relationships. Get known and be persistent with telling your story. The media were very forthright and honest when it came to their scope and ability to be pitched to but known sources were always well received.

Another notable distinction of the #MeetTheMedias day was the attendance of female experts and business owners representing 90% in the room. The disparity in the media between male and female voices as expert commentators is dominated by male experts across the country.

Hayes said: “Its very encouraging and pleasing to see that more women are coming forward and rightfully owning their area of expertise in this modern media world.”

The next #MeetTheMedia events will be held in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide later this year.

Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia Media Stable hosts annual #MeetTheMedia