kwpx&partners urges brands to do less advertising

kwpx&partners urges brands to do less advertising

In September 2023, WA creative boutique, &Partners merged with South Australian strategic powerhouse, kwpx. Since then, kwpx&partners has been refining its business strategy in line with the belief that better advertising beats more advertising.


‘Do less advertising’ was a proposition that founders Dav Tabeshfar and Bryan Dennis had been working towards at &Partners, but didn’t have the dedicated strategic, media or digital support to fully realise. The recent merger has set that situation right.

“The era of content has led to an explosion of ill considered, cheap and forgettable creation” Said Tabeshfar. “We as an industry are making billions of dollars’ worth of shite that no one wants to watch, look at or hear. We sell ‘impressions’; a word that assumes the work we put out actually penetrates the consciousness of our audience. We’re counting eyeballs, ignoring the fact that our work is sliding off them, straight into a trillion acres of marketing landfill. So, we’re putting our faith in quality over quantity. We’re helping clients to do less advertising by investing in better strategic and media insights, concepts and craft. We’re lucky that our business model – supported by access to kwpx’s deep digital, strategic and media expertise – means we don’t have scary overheads that need feeding, so we don’t need to add to the landfill just to keep the lights on. It helps that we can work with likeminded media folk (both kwpx and local partners) who share the understanding that eyeballs don’t make decisions, hearts do.”

Dru Mincher, who has relocated to Perth to drive kwpx&partners in the role of Business Director, has been responsible for aligning the business strategy with the needs of the WA market, and ensuring the agency can deliver on their new proposition with the support of kwpx’s Adelaide and Darwin teams.

“Western Australian brands are often up against national or international counterparts with significantly larger marketing budgets, so outspending is not an option. WA brands need agencies who embrace the opportunities that come with smaller budgets; to do work that pushes every impression deeper. Because while WA brands can’t always compete with marketing budgets, they can certainly win on depth-of-impact. Our national strategic model ‘Deeper Connections’ is designed to ensure that’s exactly what happens. It’s a model that uncovers the insights necessary for deep and meaningful audience engagement, and importantly in a cost-sensitive market, it’s a fluid model that fits around a client’s existing tools and existing understanding, so there’s no waste,” says Mincher.

Check out the new kwpx&partners identity and website at

kwpx&partners urges brands to do less advertising