Is the party over? Latest Havas study reveals Australia’s changing celebration culture

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Is the party over? Latest Havas study reveals Australia’s changing celebration culture

Australians are known for their love of a good party, but the emergence of new generations, impact of world events and evolving social trends are changing the way the nation celebrates, Havas’ latest Prosumer Report ‘Is the Party Over?’ reveals.


The global study, of nearly 13,000 people across 30 markets, highlights the shifts in the culture of festivity around the world, comparing the sentiments of ‘mainstream’ respondents with those identified as ‘prosumers’ – a percentage of the population that influences the behaviour of others and predicts emerging tendencies.

Key findings for Australia include:

·       47% of Gen Zs prefer staying home on a typical weekend night rather than going out

·       48% of Australian Prosumers say COVID related confinements killed their desire to party, compared to 39% of Prosumers globally. Gen Zs are nearly twice as likely to agree as Boomers (50% vs 27%)

·       29% of Australians overall and 19% of Gen Z don’t drink alcohol at parties

·       57% of Australians overall and 49% of Gen Z say they don’t need alcohol to have fun at a party

·       75% of Prosumers say they are willing to attend a party hosted by a brand and 59% say they love when brands host parties because they have the means to make them unforgettable

Says Olly Taylor (pictured below), chief strategy officer for Havas Creative Group Australia and Havas Labs: “This latest Prosumer study shows a significant divergence between how different generations party. Partying is certainly not over, but if brands want a ticket to this party, they need to better empathise with Gen Z’s evolved attitude to partying which is very different to previous generations.”

Is the party over? Latest Havas study reveals Australia’s changing celebration culture

Stepping away from years gone past when parties were highly planned and special occasions, the report found 82% of Prosumers agree a party can happen wherever and whenever, giving brands many moments to engage with consumers throughout the party cycle.

While parties can happen anytime and anywhere, the study found the influence of a post-COVID “control freak society” has seen Australians choose to retreat to a safe space. Two thirds (65%) of Australian Prosumers prefer to party at home or in someone’s home than in clubs or at big events. Nearly half (45%) prefer to celebrate with people like them because they feel safe and one in four (26%) say they couldn’t party with people who don’t share their political opinions, a preference that is highest among Gen Z (32%).

While they occur less frequently, celebrations are reinventing themselves, with preparation a new highlight of festivities. Three in four (77%) of Australian Prosumers believe preparing for a party is as fun as the party itself, with dressing up, makeup and planning the perfect menu all part of the occasion. Australians are also more likely to consider the impact of the events they attend, with 75% of Prosumers compared to 66% globally believing parties should respect and preserve the environment.

Despite evolving feelings towards festivities, brands have become sought after party hosts, bringing added value to events and ensuring people can unwind and celebrate in a safe environment. The report found three in five (62%) Australian Prosumers would prefer brands spent more money on organising events and parties rather than advertising. More than half (56%) prefer to buy a product from a brand that is an active sponsor of the big events they like to attend.

Adds Taylor: “While the ways we celebrate together have changed, this research shouldn’t dampen our party spirit. In a chaotic world, people are looking to new forms of festivity to reignite the joy and excitement in their lives. Brands can play a key role in fulfilling this need by helping to re-imagine what it means to party today.”

Click here to view the full report.