Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook

Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook

Having originally crafted the brand during the inception of The Henley Brook, Four Stripes has had the rare opportunity of rebranding the brand eight years later.


Four Stripes’ mission was to capture the cheeky and vibrant essence of the venue, breathing new life into it with the same energy and passion that has always defined it.

James Woods, Managing Director at Four Stripes, said: “It all began with a stroll around a vacant field, led by Hayley Saunders and Justin Rogan, later joined by Anoop Nair. Eight years later, The Venue is now a pinnacle of Swan Valley hospitality. We’re glad to have the opportunity to revisit this project and realign the brand with the vibrant culture it has evolved into.”

A Brand that Embraces Imperfection:
The Henley Brook has always been about celebrating life’s imperfections and revelling in the beauty of authenticity. The deliberate, unpolished nature of the brand reflects this philosophy. In a world where everything often appears too curated and picture-perfect, The Henley Brook stands as a refreshing departure. The result is a brand that carries an intentionally unrefined charm. With naive hand-drawn characters and tongue-in-cheek language, the brand mirrors the lively, bustling energy of the space. It celebrates the quirks, the raw edges, and the moments far from scripted, making it so relatable to its patrons.

Nature-Inspired Design:
The brand’s design draws inspiration from the venue’s natural surroundings, infusing a natural colour palette and gritty textures that seamlessly blend into the fabric of the design. This choice isn’t arbitrary; it’s a conscious nod to the quintessential Australian backyard culture. The design reflects the unpretentious charm of a typical Australian home, with an expansive, inviting backyard where families and friends come together to create memories.

Revisiting a brand, they created eight years ago was a unique opportunity and challenge. The Henley Brook has evolved but has retained its essence and, if anything, become even more vibrant. It’s a testament to the power of reimagining and reinvigorating a brand while staying true to its roots. The deliberate, unpolished nature of the brand has proven to be its greatest strength, making it a local treasure that defies convention, celebrates life’s imperfections, and embraces the warmth of true community spirit.


Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook Four Stripes revisits a brand 8 years later breathing new life into The Henley Brook