Don’t miss the PADC AGM tonight, 6pm

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Don’t miss the PADC AGM tonight, 6pm

In a big year for the PADC, a new leadership team and committee structure will be announced for this year’s PADC at the annual general meeting tonight, Wednesday 7th, at Lawson Flats in the city.


After almost five successful years at the helm, Club Manager Tia Brazier and President Josh Edge will take members through the events of last year and showcase the way forward for 2024. The Club will also be taking expressions of interest for the 2024 committee and announce key roles and leadership for the PADC this year.

If you care about the future of WA creativity, now’s your chance to get involved!

PADC annual general meeting details
When: Wednesday, 7th February
Time: 5.45pm arrival for 6pm start – 7.30pm
Where: Lawson Flats, 4 Sherwood Court, Perth

Drink on arrival and light refreshments.