Creative Circle: Maya Halilovic + Luke Williams

Campaign Brief asks two creative thinkers from the Perth industry to highlight recent great work that caught their eye from both our local WA industry and internationally. Creative Circle contributors this week are Maya Halilovic (above left) and Luke Williams (right).
Maya Halilovic
Senior Copywriter
303 MullenLowe
WA: Like Coming Home by Mel Branson.
I like this piece because it is what it is – a passionate bit of storytelling. Everything in it, from the camera work, attention to natural light, interview grabs, speed, pace and family photos is handled with such care you can practically feel the love (and delicious Italian food) oozing out of your screen. It’s unforgivingly human. Though it might be a year old it seemed to fly under adland’s radar, so consider this little segment me trying to give it the credit it’s due.

Non-WA: Meet Q, The Genderless Voice by Virtue.
Love me a good bit of sound engineering and I love it even more when it does good. As A.I. and voice assistants grow rapidly, Meet Q not only raises a unique problem, but provides an elegant solution. One that is accessible and can be quickly integrated into a range of mediums.
What’s more, this is an idea that can live in a post-covid world. With so much hardship and economic uncertainty, it’s hard to imagine creating advertising that tells everyone to rush out and buy more next year – but I can certainly see Q outliving the creative team who put them there.

Luke Williams
Senior Art Director
Wunderman Thompson
WA: Gotta be Liz Hammond’s Best in the West winning print ad for Bowra & O’Dea. This notable spot shows once again that less is more and subverts the print medium to great effect. This ad is testament to the resurrection of a long-running competition that gives creatives young and old something to have a bite at, long may it continue.

Non-WA: The ALDI Great Fresh Food Migration spots by Roy Leibowitz and Chris Wilson absolutely did me in. Having seen the TV spots, the way it was brought to life in audio was a real lesson in comedy. Bringing this level of creativity and comedic energy to a retail spot for some average steaks is top notch.