Bestads Six of the Best Reviewed by Jen Speirs, Executive Creative Director, Droga5, Dublin

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.
This week’s guest judge is Jen Speirs, executive creative director at Droga5, part of Accenture Song, Dublin.
Winner: BONDS ‘A cabin for your crew deck‘. Ok, full disclosure. I am an avid watcher of Below Deck: Down Under, and I am a lifetime fan of the Bonds brand. That aside, I felt this was classic Bonds – a bit of undie innuendo to highlight product features. But why this wins, is because of the added pop culture twist with Captain Jason. It made me laugh, it made me cringe, it made me roll my eyes; much like the show does every week. A clever blurring of the line between ad and content. READ ON…