Amberlea Henriques: Jobs of the Future

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Amberlea Henriques: Jobs of the Future

By Amberlea Henriques is founder and CEO of AdSocial in Perth.


“Get off that device!” A few words that are no doubt familiar for Gen X and Millennial parents, admittedly spending too much time on their own devices, but at a loss as to how the rapid rise in technology may affect their children’s future. But are they stopping to consider the world of new career opportunities being opened, many of which require no higher education?

Many modern career paths now support creatives as well as academics, inviting people from diverse backgrounds and skills to consider where the world of technology could take them. In challenging the misconception that robots will take over human roles, consider the myriad of new job capacities which are evolving and becoming available in the Metaverse.

With social media becoming our go to for news, shopping and staying connected with family and friends, there are now an array of jobs unimagined decades ago. Social media is evolving so quickly that traditional curriculums can’t keep up. So, whilst a university degree is essential in some industries, real-world experience is more likely to place you as a front runner for jobs in social media.

Abundant online resources, ability to learn at no cost from Meta themselves (blueprint program), community groups and knowledge sharing accounts, are all feeding self-motivated creatives who can cash in on the rise of social media.

It’s not just influencers making bank, marketing agencies are yearning for people who understand how to create scroll stopping content using video and photography with many earning over 6 figures. It’s about understanding people, what is trending and how to relate that with brand content. These roles aren’t for academics, they require a visionary mind, lead with creative thinking.

So, what are some of the options?

Social Media Chatbot Programmers – you’ve probably chatted with one without even realising. These pre-programmed robots chit-chat with the masses daily and those who know how to program them are setting themselves up for an exciting career. You don’t need to know code to build bots. You need to understand how to structure conversations to get people toward an outcome.

Social Media Reporter – Do you love a good party? Believe it or not, if you’re a confident communicator you can get paid to attend events and host FB/IG lives. Selfie light on and mic in hand, a working day for you will be spent interviewing event goers to share what’s happening on-location, with virtual viewers watching on from home.

TikTok & Reels Creators – are you that camera ready friend, that knows how to piece together snaps from the real-world into a digital showreel using Instagram? This in-demand job is perfect for people that know what’s trending.

Augmented Reality Designers – Learn how to manipulate a face into a dragon or add scales on cheekbones to compliment those fish lips. Digital artists earn big bucks once qualified and can literally work anywhere in the world, with a waitlist of cool brands to work with.

UX Designers – UX design focuses on the interaction between real human users and everyday products and services, such as websites, apps, and even coffee machines. All you need is an understanding of user experience, and how to storyboard experiences that flow naturally across multi digital platforms.

Short Form Copywriters: How to craft chit-chat copy, with impactful emoji placements. Do not underestimate the power of emojis, a picture paints 1000 words. They’re aesthetic, playful, and are very much a part of modern vocabulary (especially when marketing to the upcoming generations).

And let’s not forget all these new jobs need trainers too, to teach these new skills. So, think of the world of possibilities the Metaverse is opening and consider what skills your child may have that you might be overlooking. These are jobs of the future that don’t require a university degree, simply a demonstrated passion and aptitude to learn on the job.


Amberlea Henriques is founder and CEO of AdSocial, a leading and innovative Perth based digital marketing agency, trailblazing futuristic marketing technologies across the Meta suite (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp). Here she shares her insight into how the future of technology is opening more potential career paths for future generations.