Instagram launches Mardi Gras street installations to highlight ‘local heroes’

Instagram has just unveiled five street art installations across Australia—celebrating some of Australia’s top LGBTQ+ creators ahead of this weekend’s Mardi Gras Parade. WA artist Jerome Davenport is behind the Perth mural located Charles St cnr Newcastle St, West Perth.
The street art murals are popping up from today in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth and Melbourne, and highlight each city’s local ‘Rising Heroes’ from the queer community on Instagram.
Instagram has partnered with LGBTQ+ creators including musicians Troye Sivan and Cub Sport, Olympian Michelle Heyman, Indigenous drag performer Felicia Foxx, trans model AJ Clementine, comedian Jeff van de Zandt, and more to celebrate Mardi Gras 2021.
The murals were created and installed by some of Australia’s top street artists.

Where you can see them:
Perth – “I Rise for Community”
o Featuring @troyesivan
o Location: Charles St cnr Newcastle St, West Perth
o Artwork by Jerome Davenport @ketones6000

Sydney – “We Rise for First Nations Visibility and for our Ancestors”
o Featuring @iam_deadly_feliciafoxx and @nessaturnbullroberts
o Location: Elizabeth St cnr Randle St, Surry Hills
o Artwork by Megan Hales @_megan_hales

Melbourne – “We Rise for Representation, Courage and Acceptance”
o Featuring @jjzandt, and @ajclementine_
o Location: 2 Peel St, Fitzroy
o Artwork by Rory Lynch-Wells @lynchmelbourne
Brisbane – “We Rise for Freedom”
o Featuring @cubsport
o Location: 16 Peel Street South Brisbane
o Artwork by Gus Eagleton @instaguss
Canberra – “I Rise to Inspire Others to Live as their True Selves”
o Featuring @michelleheyman23
o Location: 16 Bunda St, Canberra
o Artwork by Megan Hales @_megan_hales
Each mural features a quote from the featured creator(s) sharing what they ‘Rise’ for, in line with this year’s Mardi Gras theme.
The QR code included on each mural will take viewers to the ‘Safe & Strong 2021’ Safety and Wellbeing Guide for the LGBTQ+ Community on Facebook and Instagram. The Guide was launched last week in partnership with Trans Pride Australia, Black Rainbow, ACON, Twenty10 and Minus18.
Instagram’s ‘Rising Heroes’ Mardi Gras campaign also includes new in-app features to celebrate Mardi Gras and the LGBTQ+ community including rainbow hashtags, rainbow story rings, and a shared Mardi Gras story this Saturday 6 March which will showcase Mardi Gras posts from the people you follow.
“Queer creators on Instagram are a source of inspiration, entertainment, and support for Australians everywhere. We’re proud to honor these local ‘Rising Heroes’ in their home cities and spread the Mardi Gras sparkle across the country. Mardi Gras is about visibility and community, and these five murals celebrate the vibrant new generation of LGBTQ+ creators who embody these qualities every day.”