Christmas isn’t always merry: Anglicare WA launches campaign via Wunderman Thompson

This Christmas, Anglicare WA is raising awareness and essential funds for their Child Counselling Service via Wunderman Thompson.
Anglicare WA’s Child Counselling Service creates a pathway of recovery for children experiencing domestic violence. Using art, music and play therapy as part of the recovery, it is vital service for children across Perth and Peel.
In their latest campaign via Wunderman Thompson, Anglicare WA remind us that the festive season isn’t joyous for everyone, with 1 in 5 families experiencing domestic violence.
Created from the perspective of the children the service is designed for, the campaign uses traditionally happy Christmas cues to highlight the way children experiencing domestic violence might experience this time of year.
WT’s Creative Lead, Tim Newton, said: “The importance of this cause speaks for itself, but along with Brad and the incredible team at Soundbyte as well as the kids who pitched in to create the artwork, we’re proud to be part of getting Anglicare WA’s message out there for everyone to see. Get online and donate if you can.”
Anglicare WA’s Child Counselling Service exists to help children heal from their trauma. To reclaim their childhood. With no government funding and a growing waitlist from families and schools, financial support is crucVial.
“Christmas should be a magical time for children, yet many are faced with daily turmoil of living in confronting, violent and volatile situations within their own homes,” said Anglicare WA, General Manager Philanthropy, Bec Stott.
Play the 30s’ radio spot below.
Wunderman Thompson
Creatives: Meg Watson, Brendan Morrow, Jordan Ellis
Group Account Director: Kelsey Fraser
Account Manager: Imogen Butcher
Senior Producer: Luisa Peters
Finished Art: Phil Chapman
Creative Leads: Tim Newton and Paula Keamy
Sound Studio: Soundbyte
Sound Engineer: Brad Habib
Studio Producer: Holly Miller
Artwork by: Penny Newton, Evie Cummins, Sienna Keall, Lachlan Keall
Anglicare WA
Bec – General Manager, Philanthropy
Mel – Donor Relations Coordinator
Amanda – Design Lead
Colleen – Social Media & Design Coordinator
Jenna Quesnel – Digital Communications Coordinator

Nice to see this client back (and doing some bloody brilliant work) with the agency that made them advertising famous through a series of ground breaking campaigns.
Nice work WT on a really sad situation a lot of kids are experiencing & which really needs to be brought to the spotlight. I challenge all WA agencies to shine a spotlight on other issues within the WA community such as homelessness. A lot of non-for-profit organisations are struggling with huge demands.
Pretty similar to this, really;