Who says ads aren’t made to last?

Who says ads aren’t made to last?

The Natural Masterpieces campaign promoting the beauty of Auckland’s Regional Parks has reached a unique 25-year milestone. Created by AT Creative’s Andrew Tinning during his Saatchi NZ days, the campaign comprised of 16 giant ornate picture frames that were placed within these living works of art, capturing their most spectacular views. Made from marine grade aluminium and given a gilt effect using a specially formulated paint, the frames featured native flora and fauna unique to the region. With the original mould being carved by the master craftsman responsible for the swords used in the Lord Of the Rings trilogy.


Tinning said: “I was surprised when an old colleague from NZ sent me this newspaper article out of the blue the other day. It’s hard to believe that 25yrs have passed since the frames first launched, and that a quarter of a century later, 10 of the original 16 (not 9 as quoted by the jurno) are still in place. Surely that’s some kind of record for an outdoor campaign!

“Conceived well before the birth of social media, I can’t begin to imagine how many pics of people posing in them have been snapped and shared since.”

The campaign went on to score major metal at Cannes, Clio, One Show, London International and Award. And along with 3 silvers and 2 gold in the outdoor single and campaign category, was awarded best of show at the NZ Axis Awards.

Who says ads aren’t made to last? Who says ads aren’t made to last? Who says ads aren’t made to last? Who says ads aren’t made to last?