WAMA’s final brekky of 2023 hosts Great Debate: Does WA creative compete at a world class level?

WAMA’s final brekky of 2023 hosts Great Debate: Does WA creative compete at a world class level?

The final WAMA brekky for the year is set for Thursday 21st of September and WAMA are planning something nice, different, unusual… They’ve got their brekky recipe for success down pat and are changing it up with this ‘Does WA creative compete at a world class level?’ Great Debate.


Without further ado:
Date: Thursday 21st of September
Time: Doors open at 7am for a 7.30 – 10.30am event
Venue: Fraser’s Restaurant, Kaarta Gar-up, 60 Fraser Ave, West Perth WA 6005
Topic: Does WA creative compete at a world class level?
Format: Great Debate

“A debate format?” we hear you ask. Yes indeed. We’ve got our clammy little hands on some of WA’s best marketing minds, and we’ve convinced them to debate what we hear more and more about everyday – whether our state can perform on a national and international stage when it comes to creativity.

It’s a sticky topic, but one that we want to unpack – work continues to be awarded elsewhere and creatives are leaving for greener pastures, but why? Briefs? Pitches? Brands? Budgets? Risk?

Let’s find out.
The panel will follow a conventional debate format, with three arguments presented for each side and a rebuttal to close from the team captains. Our audience will be deciding who the winner is, so really, we need you.

Our crafty debaters include:
Liz Hammond, Creative Director, Rare (Team Captain)
Tim Newton, Creative Lead, Wunderman Thompson
Secret Guest (watch this space)

Richard Berney, Managing Partner, Berlin (Team Captain)
Rebecca Smith, General Manager Marketing, Brownes Dairy
Angus Ingram, Head of Brand and Campaigns, Minderoo

Hosted by Kate O’Hara, CEO at Foodbank WA.

Get your hands on some tickets at Eventbrite now.