Please Wait Here: Your Utopia Will Be With You In A Minute – This Friday at The Mark, State Buildings

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Please Wait Here: Your Utopia Will Be With You In A Minute – This Friday at The Mark, State Buildings

You could always wait for some institution/industry body/parental unit to come along and design the community you want to see, but you’ll be waiting for Godot. Or, you can get busy, spending time you don’t have, throwing some stones in the proverbial pond and see what ripples out.


Join SPACEMRKT’s Joel Benichou and Sarah Booth, alongside Block/2B’s Mark Braddock, this Friday to discuss collaboration, realising true value, and how purpose and determination, supported by impactful design, can bring about meaningful change.

The how, why and, well, why-the-hell, of giving a rat’s …

Plus, a bonus idea Lotterywest could embrace to make this proposal a little more enticing for all.

Quick details
When: Friday 21 March, 10:30-11:30am
Where: The Mark, State Buildings
Get your tickets via

Please Wait Here: Your Utopia Will Be With You In A Minute – This Friday at The Mark, State Buildings