Seen+Noted: Ovarian Cancer Australia invites people to ‘Carry the Courage’ on World Ovarian Cancer Day in latest campaign via DDB Sydney
Today on World Ovarian Cancer Day charity Ovarian Cancer Australia (OCA) has launched a new campaign via DDB Sydney, which calls on Australians to ‘Carry the Courage’ of those affected by ovarian cancer in memory of women whose lives have been cut short by the disease.
With the help of DDB Sydney and Good Oil, OCA’s campaign highlights the alarming statistics of those affected by ovarian cancer: Less than half of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will live beyond five years of the onset of their illness – one woman dies of the disease every eight hours.
That means women like Kristen and Jill, whose legacies are depicted in the campaign’s two films, are dying before they can make the impact they really want to.
The films celebrate Kristen and Jill’s spirits, stories, and activism. Set in the present tense, the films unfold to reveal that both Kristen and Jill have passed away from ovarian cancer. They conclude by inviting Australians to Carry the Courage of Kristen and Jill by helping OCA continue its fight to improve the disease’s survival rate.
Says Jason Olive, chief marketing, fundraising and communications, OCA: “Jill and Kristen both left behind an extraordinary legacy of activism. We’ve come so far in the time that they’ve died, however there’s still so much more to do.
“To create better outcomes for people affected by ovarian cancer, we need large-scale and long-term funding for research projects. We need high-quality care and treatment options that are affordable and accessible. At Ovarian Cancer Australia, we’ll keep fighting until the narrative of ovarian cancer is permanently changed.”
Says Sasha Firth, managing partner, DDB Sydney: “Every person who contributed to these films, from music to sound to post-production, went above and beyond to pay tribute to the immense impact Kristen and Jill made, and the impact they will continue to make as people around the country Carry the Courage.”
Says Good Oil director Renee Mao: “We wanted people to feel like they knew these women personally by the end of the films. As part of making them, we searched through hours of footage, podcasts, photographs, and family stories to carefully craft an accurate depiction of who these women were. I can’t even put into words how emotional and inspiring it was to work on this, I just hope that Jill and Kristen would be happy their advocacy and their stories are continuing to inspire, change, and save women’s lives.”
Client: Ovarian Cancer Australia
Chief Marketing, Fundraising and Communications: Jason Olive
Marketing Manager: Sarah Michowski
Agency: DDB Sydney
CCO: Stephen de Wolf
ECD: Matt Chandler
Senior Art Director: Andrew Torrisi
Copywriter: Hannah Lawson
Art Director: Kate Idle
Senior Designer: Paul Jansen
Senior Producer: Corinne Porter
Managing Partner: Sasha Firth
Group Business Director: Siobhan Kelly
Senior Business Manager: Manon Debus-Pesquet
Production Company: Good Oil
Director: Renee Mao
Executive Producer: Sam Long
Post Production: The Editors
Sound & Kristen’s Composition: Sonar
Music Track, Jill: Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu
A special thank you to the families of Jill and Kristen for their support, stories, and memories.
It has been a pleasure to learn about these incredible, courageous women.