Need help submitting your PADC entries? The PADC committee break it down for you here

Your complete guide to entries, closing this Friday. 72-hour extension available with late fees.
Need a hand submitting your entries on Awardforce but too embarrassed or time-poor to ask for help? Don’t worry, your trusty PADC committee have put together videos which act as step-by-step guides to help you submit your entries into the Skull Awards for 2022.
With the deadline approaching soon, they highly recommend having a quick look through these videos to make sure that you submit your entries correctly the first time. These videos can even be used as a quick refresher to remind you of the different elements that are needed to finalise your entry before submitting.
These videos also cover information about the Call For Entry book, where to quickly find Membership numbers and the key elements that you need to submit in your entries.
The PADC’s have broken the videos into three categories to help you out:
• Main Skulls
• Diamond Skulls
• Student Skulls
NOTE: The PADC Awards will be extended 72 hours to midnight, Monday, September 5th. Each entry entered post-midnight on Friday, 2nd September will incur a $100 additional surcharge. Please note that this extension cannot be moved further, to allow for international judging and award production timelines.
Save the date for the Awards Night on 18th November, 2022.
And don’t forget to enter your Client Service creative champions in the new Client Service category in the Diamond Skulls awards – specifically created to recognise the value of Client Service in the creation, selling and/or producing of some of WA’s best creative ideas.
For any enquiries, please get in touch with Club Manager Tia Brazier at or Club President Josh Edge at