MIX 94.5 takes out top spot in latest Perth Radio Survey

The results of this morning’s GFK Perth Radio Survey 5, 2021 has seen MIX 94.5 move up to the #1 spot Overall with Nova dropping down to #2 position. Here Media 365 Perth’s Client Solutions Director Joy Powell provides her take on this latest survey.
Perth Radio Survey 5, 2021, released this morning, sees MIX 94.5 take #1 spot Overall with Nova slipping back into #2 position.
NOVA retains #1 in Breakfast and Mix 94.5 continues to retain #2. The Survey also saw share increases for 6IX and 96FM.
#1 Overall – MIX 94.5
#1 Breakfast – Nova’s Nathan, Nat & Shaun
#1 Drive – Nova’s Kate, Tim & Joel
Every station can take highlights for themselves, as is evident on Survey days with the Media Releases sent out by the stations.
My take on this survey, by way of a very brief snapshot summary is:
Following Nova’s stronghold retention having the #1 Radio Station in Perth after numerous consecutive surveys this year – they’ve slipped back into No 2 spot behind MIX 94.5. But there isn’t a great difference (0.3%)
The largest increase P10+ was MIX 94.5 (Up 1.7%) with the biggest decrease here taken by 6PR (Down 1.1%).
MIX 94.5 had a great survey – increasing across all sessions and most major demographics (excluding P18-24 & P65+).
Nova would be satisfied with their survey as there were increases in Morning, Afternoon, Weekends along with P25-39, P55-64 & P65+. And they still lead in Cume audience (P10+).
96FM retained strong audience figures.
6PR Drive was their only session to gain an increase of just 0.3%.
92.9 Triple M I’m sure would be scrutinising their audience shares.
6IX would be happy with their results.
Overalls: P10+
Mix 94.5 – 13.4% (1.7% Increase)
Nova – 13.1% (0.4% Increase)
96FM – 11.8% (0.3% Increase)
6PR – 8.0% (1.1% Decrease)
6IX – 6.6% (0.5% Increase)
92.9 Triple M – 6.3% (0.8% Decrease)
Weekday Breakfast:
Largest increase here was 96FM. 96FM & 6PR swapped positions as did 6IX and 92.9 MMM
Nova’s Nathan, Nat & Shaun – 14.3% (0.2% Decrease)
Mix 94.5’s Pete, Matt & Kymba – 13.6% (0.9% Increase)
96FM’s The Bunch with Clairsy & Lisa – 11.5% (1.9% Increase)
6PR’s Gareth Parker – 9.2% (1.2% Decrease)
6IX’s Ian Blackley – 5.7% (0.3% Increase)
92.9 Triple M with Basil, Xav & Jenna – 5.4% (1.5% Decrease)
Cume Audience: P10+
Nova still has the highest Cume audience numbers even after a decrease. 96fm and 6IX were the only two commercial stations increasing their numbers here.
Nova – 572,000 (22,000 Decrease)
Mix 94.5 – 528,000 (4,000 Decrease)
96FM – 429,000 (UP 14,000)
92.9 Triple M – 273,000 (58,000 Decrease)
6PR – 187,000 (25,000 Decrease)
6IX – 160,000 (UP 8,000)
Perth DAB+ Stations
Nova’s Smooth and ARN’s 96FM 80’s swapped their No. 1 & No. 2 positions here.
Smooth (Nova) 34,000 (2,000 Increase)
96FM 80’s (ARN) 31,000 (4,000 Decrease)
MMM Classic Rock (SCA) 28,000 (1,000 Increase)
Old School (SCA) 21,000 (No Change)
MMM 90’s (SCA) 18,000 (6,000 Increase)
Coles Radio (Nova) 17,000 (3,000 Decrease)
Survey 5, 2021 was conducted by GFK for Commercial Radio Australia from Sun May 23 to Sat Jun 26 & Sun Jul 11 to Sat Aug 14. The Original release date was scheduled for 24/8, but due to east coast lockdowns – these results were delayed by 1 week.
Survey 6, 2021 results will be just around the corner as these are due Tuesday September 28th.
Pictured below – Joy Powell, Media 365 Perth’s Client Solutions Director.