LADbible Group partner with Digital Loop in WA

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LADbible Group partner with Digital Loop in WA

Digital Loop is pleased to announce a new global market leading digital publisher to the family, LADbible Group.


LADbible group comprises of a number of well known titles including LADbible, Sportbible, Goodlad and Unilad, producing high quality and engaging content across news, sport, entertainment all designed to give the youth generation a voice by building communities that laugh, think and act.

Consequently in Australia alone, Ladbible have grown to become the largest social media following in the country.

Chris Coufos, Managing Director of Digital Loop, says: “This is a profound time for WA clients, enabling access to a powerful social media content creation team and audience that delivers market leading scale and engagement levels, all delivered around high quality content. Ladbible is completely social media agnostic, allowing WA clients to lean on all social channels, including TikTok to deliver meaningful storytelling experiences”

Opportunites with LADBible group include written and video content, podcasts and live activations and are all powered by their scalable social reach.

LADBible numbers include:
· 73% of LADBible Group audience is 18-34
· Over 306M followers worldwide with more than 50% female.
· LADbible content globally receives 4.9 Billion views on socials every month
· LADbible has a reach of 13m in Australia


For any enquiries contact Chris at Digital Loop on