IN:WA hosts the first live event of 2022

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IN:WA hosts the first live event of 2022

IN:WA is set to host the first in its series of live panel events addressing key issues affecting the local creative communications industry. Wednesday 23rd March will see The impact of covid-19 on the WA creative industry panel.


As Covid-19 hits its peak in Western Australia, WA’s creative industry is facing its biggest shake-up yet. For most, it’s been a steep learning curve and one that continues to influence how indie agencies and freelancers shape their business.

With a commitment to supporting independent WA agencies and freelancers, IN:WA’s first event of 2022 brings together a diverse panel to talk about the impact of Covid-19.

The live panel discussion will explore the changes, challenges and opportunities facing the creative communications industry of Western Australia.

Hosted by Block CEO and IN:WA Chair, Natalie Jenkins, the panel of guests will share their experiences and views on surviving and thriving during the Covid era.
● Get an insight into how agencies are overcoming challenges and opening up opportunities;
● Hear first-hand how our eastern-state counterparts survived one of the world’s longest lockdowns;
● Access invaluable advice on how to maintain morale, nurture agency culture; keep clients connected, and keep business moving;
● Step into the production world and find out how the local industry is adapting; and
● Join the live Q&A with our guest panel.

Joining the first-ever IN:WA discussion are guest panelists John Fairhead (Screen Industry Safety Consultant); Dan Bradley (Director of Experience Design at Principals); Sharni Ames (Head of Solutions at Hatched Media); and Rene LeMerie (General Manager – Growth at Bonfire); and Alex Paioff (Managing Director & Founder at Made In The Pile).

The online event is open to all WA independent agencies and freelancers. To secure your guest video link, register today via Eventbrite.

In recent news, IN:WA welcomed Julia Watts from Clarity Communications to the board. To help drive growth and events in the inaugural year, Watts joins existing board members Jeff Champtaloup (Braincells), Briannan Dean (Rhythm), Kate Downie (Beautiful Pictures), Natalie Jenkins (Block), John Petkovic (Workhouse) and Amy Sutton (Anthologie).