Frank Carroll joins roster at Beautiful Pictures
February 24 2022, 10:53 am | | 2 Comments

Beautiful Pictures has added local director Frank Carroll to their roster.
Carroll has been cutting his teeth directing content and commercials around town for the past couple of years, and is excited to now be working with the team at Beautiful Pictures as he continues to bring his perchant for humor and passion for creating interesting characters to life.
Beautiful Pictures’ Kate Downie said: “Frank is a great talent and has shown this in the simplicity of his Aussie Living Homes campaign through to the humour in his work on Enviropest. I’m looking forward to seeing how his career blossoms over the next few years.”

Sir Frank! This is great news. You couldn’t have joined a nicer production company. Kate might even fork out for a haircut 😉
Outstanding catch Beautiful Pictures! Looking forward to seeing what comes next!