A wrecking ball explains how a Safe System will save lives through a new Road Safety Commission campaign by The Brand Agency

Every year, hundreds of people die or are seriously injured on WA roads. These deaths and injuries are, for the most part, preventable. Despite this, road safety doesn’t make the cut as an issue the public feels they can do something about.
The Road Safety Commission and The Brand Agency set-out to inspire a genuine belief that zero deaths on our roads is possible through embedding a widespread understanding of Safe Systems.
“In order to do this we needed to explain a complex topic of what a Safe System is and how it makes road deaths and serious injuries avoidable,” said Brand Agency Managing Director Nick Bayes. “The Safe System involves a holistic view of the road transport system and the interactions between the different types of road users, roads and roadsides, travel speeds, and safe vehicles. It recognises that people will always make mistakes and may have road crashes – but the system should be forgiving and those crashes should not result in death or serious injury.”
Executive Creative Director, Marcus Tesoriero said, “We wanted to create a powerful visual metaphor that would quickly communicate how all four layers of road safety work together to protect motorists against certain death and serious injury. Naturally, we decided to swing 200kg wrecking ball at our talent – and they walked away from it.”
The videos are part of an education campaign which includes online content and will include mass media later this year.
Road Safety Commission
Roger Farley, Assistant Director Communications & Engagement
Alisia Mumby, Campaign Project Officer
The Brand Agency, Perth
Executive Creative Director: Marcus Tesoriero
Copywriter: Lachy Banton
Art Director: Niall Stephen
Senior Strategist: Hannah Muirhead
Account Management: Brendon Lewis, Evan Murie, Stephanie Gotch-Martin
Production Company: King Street
Producer: Lauren Billingham
Director: Torstein Dyrting
Editor: Peter Townsend
Audio: Soundbyte Studios