Former UNKL co-founder Will Miles joins the Berlin team in design director role

Former UNKL co-founder Will Miles joins the Berlin team in design director role

Independent agency Berlin has hired Will Miles, a highly-regarded branding, design and creative specialist to its permanent team.


Miles most recently ran his own consultancy, Nice Monday, after making the decision to move west with his wife and family of five. Prior to that, he’d made stops in Sydney as Creative Director at Host and Special, before co-founding the globally-acclaimed branding and design studio, UNKL.

Berlin Managing Partner and Co-Founder, John Linton, said: “It’s an absolute boon to welcome someone of Will’s calibre into the agency full-time. We’re very deliberate with our model – slowly building a small team of world-class, in-house leaders that our clients will always have direct relationships with; while also expanding our network of specialist creative and production freelancers we can match to specific client needs. Will’s a very important piece to the puzzle.”

Throughout his career Miles has worked on an enviable list of global and national clients including Cadbury, Air New Zealand, Lego, Coca-Cola, The Australian Museum, Bankwest and Tourism WA.

Berlin Executive Creative Director and Co-Founder, Rich Berney, said: “Will’s got such nice colours – for example, his beard is a rich orange. Also, he laughs a lot and loves the heck out of his kids. He’s a wonderful man, really. I think we’re going to be great friends.”

Miles added: “John and Rich are unique talents and lovely human beings. That combo, plus their ambition for Berlin to not only be outrageously good but also do some good was super appealing. I can’t wait to get started and get my suit jacket dry-cleaned.”