Water Corporation takes a sip from the sea in latest billboard from The Brand Agency

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Water Corporation takes a sip from the sea in latest billboard from The Brand Agency

Following the successful launch of Water Corporations ‘Think climate change. Be waterwise.’ campaign, The Brand Agency has created two custom 3D straw billboards to emphasise one of Perth’s primary water sources – desalinated seawater – in a fun and inquisitive way.


Blanche McKie, Art Director at The Brand Agency, said: “We saw this as an opportunity to make people really think about where a significant amount of our drinking water comes from in a stand-out way, creating a direct link between the ocean and the water we are fortunate enough to have daily access to.”

Evan Murie, Business Director at The Brand Agency, said: “With climate change having such a significant impact on our water supply, we wanted to ensure public awareness of Water Corporation’s efforts to remain on the forefront of securing sustainable and rainfall-independent water sources to meet our everyday water needs”.

The billboards were installed early April on the corners of Loftus and Newcastle Street and Leederville Parade and Frame Court, Leederville.

Water Corporation
Client: Kristina Green, Rachel Ivey, Meg Rullo
The Brand Agency, Perth
Executive Creative Director: Dean Hunt
Art Director: Blanche McKie
Copywriter: Gordon Haynes
Account Management: Evan Murie, Darcy Sargent
Production Director: Katrina Clayton
Electronic Art: Nicola Commons
Production Partners
Discus Print & Signage
Kiddle Constructions