Initiative and Digital Loop host WA’s biggest morning tea for Cancer Council
Initiative and Digital Loop have hosted WA’s biggest morning tea at Initiative’s office last Wednesday to help raise money for Cancer Council WA.
Barista coffee, tea and catering as well as the prizes, generously donated by Beerfarm, Frontier Touring, ECU WAAPA, Barking Gecko, WA Opera, The Elford Hotel and Transmission Films all ensured the morning was a success.
Chris Coufos of Digital Loop, says: “Its a great opportunity to bring work colleagues together for some fun but at the same time build awareness for such a serious cause of fatalities. 50% of all Australian’s will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85. It’s an alarming statistic and one that’s probably been clouded of late due to Covid. Cancer Council WA provide essential services to help not only support Cancer patients, but also to continue the research needed to prevent and cure.”
Paige English, Initiative, said: “I am honoured to be exposed to life changing work Cancer Council WA delivers for our community, they are an incredibly rewarding client to work with and The Biggest Morning Tea is one way we can rally our friends, family and colleagues, to raise much needed funds. I am proud that we partnered with Digital Loop to deliver a successful fundraising event.”
To donate for a cancer free future – click here.